(Pica hudsonia)
Conservation • Description • Habitat • Ecology • Distribution • Taxonomy
Description |
This is the only bird in Minnesota with a tail as long or longer than the body. |
Size |
18″ to 22″ in length 25″ wingspan |
Voice |
A loud, nasal yeck, or quick yeck-yeck-yeck, repeated many times |
Similar Species |
No similar species in Minnesota |
Habitat |
Open areas with scattered trees, forest edges, shrubby areas, farmlands with willow or alder, aspen groves. |
Ecology |
Migration |
Nesting |
Food |
Distribution |
Occurrence |
Increasingly common year-round resident in the northern third of Minnesota except in the Arrowhead Region, where is it occasional or rare (The Minnesota Ornithologists’ Union). Increasing breeder in Minnesota. |
Maps |
The Minnesota Ornithologists’ Union All Seasons Species Occurrence Map |
Taxonomy |
Class | Aves (birds) |
Order |
Passeriformes (perching birds) |
Family |
Corvidae (crows, jays, and magpies) |
Genus |
Pica (true magpies) |
Subordinate Taxa |
Synonyms |
Pica pica hudsonia |
Visitor Photos |
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Bill Reynolds |
The attached is a photo I captured this past summer of a Black billed Magpie. In reading the distribution section on your website about this Magpie, it is a common bird for this part of the state. I've lived here now for 18 years and they are a daily occurrence. Prior, I lived north and west of Duluth in the Cotton area. They were not as common, but I'd spot them often enough driving back and forth between Duluth to Virginia MN daily. Anyways, this one was cleaning up the ground under an elevated bird feeder. |
Royanne Jurgensen |
These birds had black chests not white. First time seeing them |
Sandy W. |
This is my 3rd sighting in this area over the past few years. This is the first time I was able to get a picture. The first sighting was a huge surprise. I counted 9 of them in the bushes along the banks of a stream. I've also seen one near Bigfork, MN and one near Side Lake, MN. |
Cindi Rad |
beautiful, was alone, from what we could tell |
Andy Witchger |
MinnesotaSeasons.com Photos |
Visitor Videos |
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Other Videos |
Black-billed Magpies Calling Out (Pica hudsonia) |
Published on Jul 3, 2013 The call of the Black-billed Magpie (Pica hudsonia). Black-billed Magpies are members of the crow family and are one of only four North American songbirds whose tail makes up half or more of their total body length. They are omnivores that eat insects, larvae, and carrion. Magpies are known to be intelligent and bold, flipping items over to look for food, following predators, and sometimes stealing food from other birds. They can use scent to find food, which is a rarity among birds. Black-billed Magpies are monogamous and find long term mates. |
Black-Billed Magpie, Rocky Mountain NP in HD |
Published on Jan 23, 2014 I am an avid naturalist, photographer, bird, and animal enthusiast. Please do not approach or feed animals. The result of human-feeding shows in this video where a wild animal shows no fear for me and begs for scraps. |
Close Up Black-Billed Magpie Flying Slow Motion |
Published on Jun 2, 2015 Close Up Black-Billed Magpie Flying Slow Motion |
Black Billed Magpie - Time For A Bath |
Published on Feb 14, 2015 Black Billed Magpie - Time For A Bath |
Visitor Sightings |
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Bill Reynolds |
Location: Pennington Co. MN |
Allison 6/25/2022 |
Location: near Marcell, MN saw several while driving with my sibling who lives near there. He said he sees a lot of them around there. |
Royanne Jurgensen 6/10/2022 |
Location: Apple Valley, Mn These birds had black chests not white. First time seeing them |
Samantha Shimota 7/23/2021 |
Location: Saw a pair just south of Newfolden off of Highway 59. First time seeing them in MN |
Scott Perrault |
Location: near Camp Rabideu CCC camp north of Cass Lake MN |
Danyce |
Location: Walker Mn |
Cindi Rad 1/3/2018 |
Location: Townline & 25, Hibbing, MN beautiful, was alone, from what we could tell |
Linda SJ September 2017 |
Location: Roseau and St Louis Counties I have Seen These In Roseau County Also In 2015 and Once Prior But don't remember the year. I Did Not Remember seeing those in years Prior to 2000, and I was Born in Northern Minnesota |
Andy Witchger 11/28/2015 |
Location: Sax-Zim Bog, St. Louis County |
MinnesotaSeasons.com Sightings |
Created: 8/5/2016 Last Updated: © MinnesotaSeasons.com. All rights reserved. |