Destinations |
These are locations in Minnesota where native plants, birds, and other wildlife can be viewed. With very few exceptions, these destinations are open to the public. Visitors can share their own photos, videos, plant and wildlife sightings, and other observations or comments. |
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Species |
Plants |
Photo by Alfredo Colon |
Native, naturalized, invasive, or simply planted—any plant growing outside of cultivation in Minnesota. More than 900 plant pages include a profile, photos, a distribution map, a list of sightings by, and visitor sightings. |
Insects |
Photo by Norm & Peg Dibble |
Insects and arachnids found in Minnesota. More than 1,100 insect and arachnid pages include a profile, photos, a distribution map, a list of sightings by, and visitor sightings. |
Wildlife |
Photo by Luciearl |
Birds and bears, snakes and squirrels, toads and turtles—wildlife found in Minnesota. Wildlife pages include a profile, photos, a distribution map, a list of sightings by, and visitor sightings. |
Wallpapers |
* Species pages may represent a species, subspecies, variety, genus, family, or other taxonmomic group, or an unidentified organism. Using the word “taxa” here would be more accurate but less widely understood.
Hibernal Season |
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New Pages |
February | |
2/17/2025 |
2/16/2025 |
2/15/2025 |
striped deer fly |
2/13/2025 |
2/12/2025 |
odorous house ant |
2/11/2025 |
2/10/2025 |
2/9/2025 |
2/8/2025 |
2/7/2025 |
2/1/2025 |
2/1/2025 |
January | |
1/31/2025 |
1/30/2025 |
Bottlebrush Frost Lichen (updated) |
1/29/2025 |
1/28/2025 |
1/27/2025 |
1/27/2025 |
Plagiognathus blatchleyi common name changed from none to Blatchley’s plant bug |
1/26/2025 | |
1/25/2025 |
1/24/2025 | |
1/24/2025 | Genus Xylota common name changed from none to leafwalkers and forest flies |
1/23/2025 |
1/21/2025 |
1/21/2025 |
Powder-tipped Shadow Lichen |
1/20/2025 |
eastern spurred ghost spider |
1/19/2025 |
1/18/2025 |
brown centipede |
1/18/2025 |
1/17/2025 | |
1/14/2025 |
1/13/2025 |
1/13/2025 | |
1/11/2025 |
1/10/2025 | |
1/9/2025 |
1/6/2025 |
1/5/2025 |
aster bee fly |
1/4/2025 |
1/3/2025 |
1/2/2025 |
aster-head eucosma moth |
1/1/2025 |
What’s Next |
1 |
Macquart’s deer fly (Chrysops macquarti) |
2 |
orange-sided horse fly (Hybomitra lasiophthalma) |
3 |
plant bug (Prepops insitivus) |
4 |
rice leaf bug (Trigonotylus caelestialium) |
5 |
plant bugs (Neurocolpus spp.) |
6 |
scarlet plant bugs (Lopidea spp.) |
7 |
ichneumonid wasp (Acroricnus stylator aequatus) |
8 |
reddish checkered beetle (Enoclerus rosmarus) |
9 |
short-winged nabis (Nabis rufusculus) |
10 |
recumbent ground crab spider (Xysticus auctificus) |
11 |
cutleaf teasel (Dipsacus laciniatus) |
12 |
northern flatid planthopper (Flatormenis proxima) |
13 |
eastern carpenter bee (Xylocopa virginica) |
14 |
dirt-colored seed bug (Ozophora picturata) |
15 |
root maggot flies (Family Anthomyiidae) |
16 |
common crane fly (Tipula furca) |
17 |
ant mimic jumping spider (Myrmarachne formicaria) |
18 |
common stoneflies (Family Perlidae) |
19 |
common barklouse (Metylophorus purus) |
20 |
meshweavers (Dictyna spp.) |
21 |
flat-footed flies (Platypeza spp.) |
22 |
longlegged flies (Condylostylus caudatus group) |
23 |
tree cattle (Cerastipsocus venosus) |
24 |
tiger fly (Coenosia tigrina) |
25 |
brown knapweed (Centaurea jacea) |
26 |
hairy evening primrose (Oenothera villosa ssp. villosa) |
27 |
retrorse sedge (Carex retrorsa) |
28 |
oval ambersnail (Novisuccinea ovalis) |
29 |
bald-faced hornet fly (Spilomyia fusca) |
30 |
slender springtail (Homidia socia) |
31 |
round bullet gall wasp (Disholcaspis quercusglobulus) |
32 |
walnut lace bug (Corythucha juglandis) |
33 |
fruit fly (Eutreta noveboracensis) |
34 |
common ragweed fruit fly (Euaresta bella) |
35 |
stink bug (Mormidea lugens) |
36 |
Aldrich’s harvestman (Leiobunum aldrichi) |
37 |
tachinid flies (Admontia spp.) |
38 |
leafcurling sac spiders (Clubiona spp.) |
39 |
spreadwings and allies (Family Lestidae) |
40 |
painted harvestman (Odiellus pictus) |
41 |
ghost spiders (Anyphaena spp.) |
42 |
heptagonal orbweaver (Gea heptagon) |
43 |
braconid wasps (Opius spp.) |
44 |
tachinid fly (Zelia vertebrata) |
45 |
entomophagus fungus (Entomophaga maimaiga) |
46 |
weevil wasp (Cerceris halone) |
47 |
broad-winged skipper (Poanes viator) |
48 |
stink bug (Dendrocoris humeralis) |
49 |
perennial mason wasp (Parancistrocerus perennis) |
50 |
Texas striped sweat bee (Agapostemon texanus) |
51 |
common crane fly (Tipula caloptera) |
52 |
Hemlock Varnish Shelf (Ganoderma tsugae) |
53 |
horned parasitic cobweaver (Neospintharus trigonum) |
54 |
shore spider (Pardosa milvina) |
55 |
black-tailed red sheetweaver (Florinda coccinea) |
56 |
privet leafhopper (Fieberiella florii) |
57 |
violet dancer (Argia fumipennis violacea) |
58 |
carrot wasps (Gasteruption spp.) |
59 |
lyric cobweaver (Yunohamella lyrica) |
60 |
alder spittlebug (Clastoptera obtusa) |
61 |
featherlegged orbweaver (Uloborus glomosus) |
62 |
half-belted blue-black spider wasp (Anoplius semicinctus) |
63 |
wood nettle gall midge (Dasineura investita) |
64 |
common ectemnius (Ectemnius continuus) |
65 |
striped sweat bees (Agapostemon spp.) |
66 |
chalcidoid wasp (Leucospis affinis) |
67 |
assassin bugs (Family Reduviidae) |
68 |
dog day cicadas (Neotibicen spp.) |
69 |
starry bristle moss (Orthotrichum stellatum) |
70 |
nosy pill woodlouse (Armadillidium nasatum) |
71 |
crisped pincushion (Ulota crispa) |
72 |
pine tree spur-throat grasshopper (Melanoplus punctulatus) |
73 |
Speckled Greenshield (Flavopunctelia flaventior) |
74 |
Wheeler's thick-legged jumping spider (Admestina wheeleri) |
75 |
hybotid dance flies (Tachypeza spp.) |
76 |
Hooded Rosette Lichen (Physcia adscendens) |
77 |
rough stink bug (Brochymena arborea) |
78 |
flea jumping spider (Naphrys pulex) |
79 |
hook-toothed money spider (Erigone dentosa) |
80 |
sand-loving wasps (Tachytes spp.) |
81 |
gold-marked thread-waisted wasp (Eremnophila aureonotata) |
82 |
rustic wolf spider (Trochosa ruricola) |
83 |
European alder spittlebug (Aphrophora alni) |
84 |
gall midges (Subfamily Cecidomyiinae) |
85 |
ichneumonid wasps (Subtribe Agrothereutina) |
86 |
fungus (Gibellula pulchra) |
87 |
ichneumonid wasps (Glypta spp.) |
88 |
triangle weaver (Hyptiotes cavatus) |
89 |
miserable mining bee (Andrena miserabilis) |
90 |
oribatid mites (Galumna spp.) |
91 |
Collared Parachute (Marasmius rotula) |
92 |
tachinid fly (Gymnoclytia occidua) |
93 |
lyre-tipped spreadwing (Lestes unguiculatus) |
94 |
bot flies, blow flies, and allies (Superfamily Oestroidea) |
95 |
American harlequin (Xanthogramma flavipes) |
96 |
oak gall wasps (Tribe Cynipini) |
97 |
black-legged checkered beetle (Enoclerus nigripes) |
98 |
flat bug (Aradus robustus) |
99 |
non-biting midges (Family Chironomidae) |
100 |
olethreutine leafroller moths (Subfamily Olethreutinae) |
101 |
non-biting midge (Psectrotanypus dyari) |
102 |
unequal cellophane bee (Colletes inaequalis) |
103 |
rufous-backed cellophane bee (Colletes rufocinctus) |
104 |
contrasted long-jawed spider (Tetragnatha straminea) |
105 |
winter midge (Diamesa mendotae) |
106 |
oblique-banded pond fly (Sericomyia chrysotoxoides) |
107 |
three-ribbed soldier beetle (Podabrus tricostatus) |
108 |
yellow-haired falsehorn (Temnostoma balyras) |
109 |
lump-legged swamp fly (Anasimyia chrysostoma) |
110 |
two-lined chestnut borer (Agrilus bilineatus) |
111 |
oak long-horned beetle (Urgleptes querci) |
112 |
mountain ash sawfly (Pristiphora geniculata) |
113 |
rust fly (Loxocera cylindrica) |
114 |
black-headed ash sawfly (Tethida barda) |
115 |
treehopper (Archasia belfragei) |
116 |
mottled scorpionfly (Panorpa submaculosa) |
117 |
gray pug moth (Eupithecia subfuscata) |
118 |
large clover casebearer moth (Coleophora trifolii) |
119 |
Brown-staining Cheese Polypore (Fuscopostia fragilis) |
120 |
rose plume moth (Cnaemidophorus rhododactyla) |
121 |
currant-tip borer (Psenocerus supernotatus) |
122 |
red-lipped lacewing (Chrysoperla rufilabris) |
123 |
dusky-banded leafwalker (Chalcosyrphus nemorum) |
124 |
Pennsylvania flea beetle (Disonycha pensylvanica) |
125 |
mourning fire-colored beetle (Pedilus lugubris) |
126 |
chalcidid wasps (Conura side complex) |
127 |
fragile forktail (Ischnura posita) |
128 |
lance flies (Family Lonchaeidae) |
129 |
stripe-legged robber fly (Dioctria hyalipennis) |
130 |
distinct quaker (Achatia distincta) |
131 |
snipe fly (Chrysopilus proximus) |
132 |
black locust treehopper (Vanduzea arquata) |
133 |
encircled borer (Agrilus subcinctus) |
134 |
New York scalewort (Frullania eboracensis) |
135 |
purplish stylus money spider (Styloctetor purpurescens) |
136 |
blood-necked longhorn beetle (Callimoxys sanguinicollis) |
137 |
banded olethreutes moth (Olethreutes fasciatana) |
138 |
yellow-spotted webworm moth (Anageshna primordialis) |
139 |
low-horned wrinkleheads (Chrysogaster spp.) |
140 |
guided soldier beetle (Rhagonycha recta) |
141 |
bronze darkling beetle (Arthromacra aenea) |
142 |
spotted cobweaver (Thymoites unimaculatus) |
143 |
short-winged Darwin wasp (Agrothereutes abbreviatus) |
144 |
soldier beetles (Rhagonycha spp.) |
145 |
common sawflies (Subfamily Nematinae) |
146 |
ichneumonid wasps (Subfamily Campopleginae) |
147 |
black-legged long-horned beetle (Euderces picipes) |
148 |
Nebraska harvestman (Leiobunum ventricosum) |
149 |
braconid wasps (Spathius spp.) |
150 |
Newman’s mathildana moth (Mathildana newmanella) |
151 |
limoniid crane fly (Gnophomyia tristissima) |
152 |
bronze birch borer (Agrilus anxius) |
153 |
twigsitters (Holopogon spp.) |
154 |
treehopper (Telamona decorata) |
155 |
slender springtail (Entomobrya clitellaria f. albocincta) |
156 |
dung fly (Cordilura varipes) |
157 |
limoniid crane fly (Antocha saxicola) |
158 |
brown lacewings (Micromus spp.) |
159 |
grape plume moth (Geina periscelidactylus) |
160 |
northern eudeilinia moth (Eudeilinia herminiata) |
161 |
variegated midget (Elaphria versicolor) |
162 |
clastopterid spittlebugs (Clastoptera spp.) |
163 |
spotted cuckoo spider wasp (Ceropales maculata) |
164 |
green cloverworm moth (Hypena scabra) |
165 |
ichneumonid wasps (Euceros spp.) |
166 |
ashen long-horned beetle (Dorcaschema cinereum) |
167 |
predatory stink bug (Podisus brevispinus) |
168 |
buffalo treehoppers and allies (Tribe Ceresini) |
169 |
white long-legged cobweaver (Theridion albidum) |
170 |
predatory stink bugs (Apoecilus spp.) |
171 |
hairy poplar sawfly (Cladius grandis) |
172 |
dwarf spiders (Subfamily Erigoninae) |
173 |
imported willow leaf beetle (Plagiodera versicolora) |
174 |
olethreutine leafroller moths (Olethreutes spp.) |
175 |
hairy-eyed mimic (Mallota posticata) |
176 |
common brown click beetle (Athous haemorrhoidalis) |
177 |
rhododendron leafhopper (Graphocephala fennahi) |
178 |
bimaculate longhorn beetle (Molorchus bimaculatus) |
179 |
dusky mucksucker (Orthonevra pulchella) |
180 |
picture-winged fly (Callopistromyia strigula) |
181 |
moth mullein (Verbascum blattaria) |
182 |
sidewalk mites (Balaustium spp.) |
183 |
large crane flies (Dolichopeza spp.) |
184 |
house fly (Eudasyphora cyanicolor) |
185 |
cow vetch (Vicia cracca) |
186 |
slender-footed jewel beetle (Spectralia gracilipes) |
187 |
alpha long-horned beetle (Sternidius alpha) |
188 |
fraternal darkling beetle (Mycetochara fraterna) |
189 |
golden loosestrife beetle (Neogalerucella pusilla) |
190 |
chalcidoid wasps (Oodera spp.) |
191 |
two-spotted tree cricket (Neoxabea bipunctata) |
192 |
wide-horned soldier beetle (Polemius laticornis) |
193 |
snipe fly (Chrysopilus modestus) |
194 |
narrow-winged tree cricket (Oecanthus niveus) |
195 |
eastern dobsonfly (Corydalus cornutus) |
196 |
wild pansy (Viola tricolor) |
197 |
limoniid crane fly (Erioptera chlorophylla) |
198 |
limoniid crane fly (Erioptera chlorophylla) |
199 |
200 |
confederate violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) |
John Valo | |
swamp rose mallow (Hibiscus moscheutos) |
John Valo |
Newfoundland Chanterelle (Cantharellus enelensis) |
John Valo |
jewel bug (Homaemus aeneifrons) | John Valo |
Created: 12/13/2003 Last Updated: © All rights reserved. |