Babette Kis

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Insects and Arachnids



Insects and Arachnids (continued)

ailanthus webworm moth 2


longhorn-cuckoo bees (Triepeolus spp.) 4
alfalfa webworm moth 1


long-tailed aphideater complex 2
American carrion beetle 1


lost sallow 2
American idia moth 1


maize calligrapher (Toxomerus politus) 1
ant-like longhorn beetle 2


marsh meadow grasshopper


antlered flutter fly



meadow spittlebug 2
arabesque orbweaver 2


meshweavers (Family Dictynidae) 2
asteroid moth 3


metallic sweat bees

bald-faced hornet 4


Mexican grass-carrying wasp 3
baptisia seed pod weevil 1


Milwaukee mining bee 4
bee fly (Chrysanthrax cypris) 2


mining bees (Andrena spp.) 3
bee-mimic robber fly (Laphria canis complex) 1


mottled tortoise beetle 3
bee-mimic robber flies (Laphria index complex) 1


narcissus bulb fly 1
bent-lined carpet 1


nomad bees (Nomada spp.) 2
birch catkin bug 1


northern bush katydid 2
black diabrotica 1


northern paper wasp 3
black firefly 3


oak rough bulletgall wasp 1
black vine weevil 2


oblique streaktail 2
black-winged long-horned beetle 2


openfield orbweaver 6
blood bees (Sphecodes spp.) 4


orange mint moth 1
bluish borer 1


orange-headed epicallima 1
bold jumper 2


orange-legged drone fly 2
bowl-and-doily spider 3


orange-spotted drone fly 2
brilliant jumping spider 9


orange-tipped wood-digger bee 3
broad-faced sac spider 1


orbed narrow-wing 1
bronze jumping spider 5


orchard orbweaver 2
brown wasp mantidfly 8


ornate harp ground beetle 2
Bruce spanworm moth 1


ornate snipe fly 2
candy-striped spider 3


pallid leafroller moth 2
cellophane bees (Colletes spp.) 1


pearl crescent 2
chalk-fronted corporal 1


peatland sheet-web weaver 3
cherry shoot borer moth 2


peppered jumping spider 9
Chinese mantis 1


plume moths (Geina spp.) 2
chrysanthemum lace bug 1


plume moths (Hellinsia spp.) 1
click beetles (Agriotes spp.) 1


polished lady beetle 1
click beetles (Melanotus spp.) 1


pondside pyralid moth 1
clover leaf weevil 2


potter and mason wasps (Ancistrocerus spp.) 1
cobweb spiders (Thymoites spp.) 3


potter or mason wasp (Subfamily Eumeninae) 3
common crane flies (Tipula subg. Pterelachisus) 2


pufftails (Sphegina subg. Asiosphegina) 1
common drone fly 3


quadrate snipe fly 1
common eastern bumble bee 3


raspberry fruitworm beetle 2
common picture-winged fly 2


red-belted bumble bee 1
common scorpionflies (Panorpa spp.) 2


red-shouldered stink bug 1
common tan wave 2


red speckled dun 1
confused haploa 2


rigid sunflower borer 2
confusing furrow bee 1


robber flies (Cerotainia spp.) 3
conical trashline orbweaver 2


rodent bot flies (Cuterebra spp.) 2
copper underwing 3


running crab spiders (Philodromus spp.) 4
coppery leafhopper 1


rusty-patched bumble bee 4
coreopsis beetle 1


scallop moth (Cepphis armataria) 1
corn earworm moth 2


scentless plant bug (Harmostes reflexulus) 3
cuckoo wasps (Elampus spp.) 2


Scudder’s bush katydids (Scudderia spp.) 2
crab spiders (Mecaphesa spp.) 6


Scudder’s short-wing grasshopper

cross orbweaver 3


short-winged meadow katydid 1
crowded flea beetle 2


slender crab spiders (Tibellus spp.) 3
cuckoo wasps (Subfamily Chrysidinae) 2


small milkweed bug 4
dogwood spittlebug 2


sneaky elf 1
eastern calligrapher 1


snipe fly (Chrysopilus foedus) 1
eastern forktail 1


snowy urola moth 1
eastern giant swallowtail 5


soldier fly (Nemotelus kansensis) 2
eastern grass-veneer 1


splendid earth-boring beetle 1
eastern yellow-backed laphria 2


spotted cucumber beetle 2
eight-spotted forester moth 1


spotted bird grasshopper 1
elegant grass-veneer 2


spotted pink lady beetle 3
elm spanworm moth 1


starbellied orbweaver 2
emerald ash borer 1


stilt bug (Neoneides muticus) 2
European mantis 1


stilt-legged fly (Rainieria antennaepes) 2
European paper wasp 3


strangalepta flower longhorn beetle 1
European wool carder bee 3


striped garden caterpillar moth 2
fall cankerworm moth 1


striped orbweaver 5
false milkweed bug 1


swamp milkweed leaf beetle 1
fan-foot moths (Zanclognatha spp.) 1


swift feather-legged fly 5
fiery skipper 1


tachinid flies (Cylindromyia spp.) 2
flower lebia beetle 1


tan jumping spider 1
flower weevils (Odontocorynus spp.) 1


thin-legged wolf spiders (Pardosa spp.) 2
Forbes’ tree cricket 2


three-banded crab spider 2
four-banded stink bug hunter wasp 1


three-spotted fillip 1
four-spotted sap beetle 1


tomentose burying beetle

fraternal potter wasp 4


triangle-backed pelochrista moth 1
fruit fly (Campiglossa albiceps) 1


twice-stabbed stink bug 1
garden ghost spider 2


two-lined leatherwing 1
glossy black idia moth 1


two-spotted longhorned bee 4
gnat ogre (Holcocephala calva) 5


typical cobweb spiders (Theridion spp.) 1
gold-and-brown rove beetle 1


umbrose seed bug 2
golden northern bumble bee 2


unequal tortoise beetle 3
golden sweat bee 1


variable duskyface fly 2
golden-backed snipe fly 3


Virginia bluebells 5
golden-eyed lacewing 1


Virginia ctenucha 3
goldenrod leaf beetle 1


Walsh’s locust

grayish jumping spider 6


warty leaf beetles (Exema spp.) 2
green pug (Pasiphila rectangulata) 1


wasp-like falsehorn 1
green soldier fly 3


wavy-lined emerald 3
green stink bug 1


wedgling moth 1
green-legged grasshoppers 2


western lynx spider 1
Greene’s giant ichneumonid wasp 3


white-banded crab spider 2
ground crab spiders (Xysticus spp.) 7


white-jawed jumping spider 2
half-wing 1


white-winged march fly 4
hangingflies (Bittacus spp.) 1


winter firefly 1
helmeted squash bug 1


wolf spiders (Family Lycosidae) 3
hickory tussock moth 1


yellow-faced leafhopper 2
Hobomok skipper 2


yellow-necked soldier beetle 1
honeysuckle moth 2


horned spanworm moth 1



ichneumonid wasp (Therion circumflexum) 2


Dutchman’s breeches 1
ichneumonid wasps (Cosmoconus spp.) 1


goldenseal 4
large lace-border 1


rope dodder 1
large milkweed bug 1


smooth carrionflower 1
leafhoppers (Aphrodes spp.) 2


leaf-cutter, mortar, and resin bees (Megachile spp.) 4



Leconte’s haploa 2


Dekay’s brown snake 2
lesser maple spanworm moth 1


lesser vagabond sod webworm moth 1


Slime Molds

little underwing 1


red raspberry slime mold 2


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