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spongy oak apple gall wasp
eastern tiger salamander
sweat bee (Subfamily Halictinae)
Taschenberg’s long-necked ant
tricolored bumble bee
American Goldfinch
Common Loon
Virginia ctenucha
yellow-collared scape moth
Purple Finch
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Red-headed Woodpecker
American red squirrel
Ruffed Grouse
eastern gray squirrel
Yellow-rumped Warbler
red fox
parajulid millipede (Tribe Aniulini)
American Starburst Lichen
American burnweed
American dog violet
American elderberry
Black Trumpet
American hazelnut
Blackening Russula
American hog peanut
American spikenard
Boreal Oakmoss
American vetch (ssp. americana)
Bottlebrush Shield Lichen
Bristly Beard Lichen
balsam fir
bastard toadflax (ssp. umbellata)
beaked hazel
Blue Ridge carrionflower
Cinnabar Polypore
blue vervain
bluebead lily
Common Antler Lichen
Common Eyelash
bonfire moss
Common Powderhorn
boxelder (var. negundo)
Common Stinkhorn
brocade moss
Devil’s Stinkhorn
Devil’s Urn
Canada anemone
Dyer’s Polypore
Canada mayflower
Canadian tick-trefoil
Eastern Candlewax Lichen
Eastern Speckled Shield Lichen
Elegant Sunburst Lichen
common blue violet
False Morel
common false Solomon’s seal
False Turkey Tail
Fly Agaric
Gilled Polypore
Green Reindeer Lichen
common water hemlock
common winterberry
Hairy Curtain Crust
cream pea
Hairy Oyster Mushroom
desert false indigo
Hammered Shield Lichen
Honey Mushroom
downy Parlin’s pussytoes
Hooded Sunburst Lichen
Jelly Rot
King Alfred’s Cakes
fan clubmoss
Lobster Mushroom
field pennycress
Milk-white Toothed Polypore
fragrant bedstraw
Pear-shaped Puffball
Purple Jellydisc
greater bladder sedge
Scarlet Waxy Cap
Smith’s Earthstar
Smooth Axil-bristle Lichen
inland serviceberry
Star Rosette Lichen
Sunburst Lichens (Xanthoria spp.)
Thin-Walled Maze Polypore
knotweeds, smartweeds, and waterpeppers (Persicaria spp.)
Tree Lungwort
True Tinder Polypore
Trumpet Lichen
limber honeysuckle
lowbush blueberry
Whitewash Lichen
Witches’ Butter
Yellow Fairy Cup Fungus
Morrow’s honeysuckle
Yellow-tipped Coral Fungus
acorn plum gall wasp
American carrion beetle
nodding bur marigold
northern bush-honeysuckle
northern red oak
northern starflower
Ohio buckeye
boreal laphria
brown stink bug
brown-belted bumble bee
Philadelphia fleabane
pin cherry
pincushion moss
common eastern bumble bee
prickly tree clubmoss
purple loosestrife
redwhisker clammyweed
eastern boxelder bug
eastern tent caterpillar moth
round-headed bush clover
round-leaved dogwood
round-lobed hepatica
ebony jewelwing
running clubmoss
end band net-winged beetle
sensitive fern
false black widow
four-spotted skimmer
galium sphinx
giant leopard moth
goldenrod soldier beetle
sphagnum moss
speckled alder
swamp milkweed
hunchback bee fly
swamp white oak
large crane flies (Family Tipulidae)
leaf-cutter, mortar, and resin bees (Megachile spp.)
May beetle (Phyllophaga spp.)
metarranthis moths (Metarranthis spp.)
midland clubtail
white mulberry
white vervain
multicolored Asian lady beetle
wild ginger
wild sarsaparilla
nessus sphinx
wild strawberry
non-biting midges (Tribe Chironomini)
wood betony
North American spur-throated grasshoppers (Melanoplus spp.)
northern paper wasp
northern walkingstick
oak leaf gall midge
Blanding’s turtle
common garter snake
red milkweed beetle
wasp nest slime mold
splendid earth-boring beetle
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