Rough-legged Hawk

(Buteo lagopus)

Conservation Status
IUCN Red List

LC - Least Concern


N5B, N5N - Secure Breeding and Nonbreeding

SNRN - Unranked Nonbreeding


not listed

Rough-legged Hawk
Photo by Dan W. Andree

In flight, the undersides are either all dark (dark morph) or light with a broad, dark, abdominal belt (light morph); the tail is long and white with a single dark subterminal band; the wings are relatively long and narrow, white on the trailing edge and dark on the leading edge from the body to the wrist (dark morph), or white with a dark wrist patch (light morph).



19 to 24¾ in length

48 to 54 wingspan




Similar Species


Open areas; fields, meadows, bogs, agricultural fields



Early September to mid-May






Mostly small rodents, but also amphibians, small birds, and large insects.

Rough-legged Hawk often faces the wind and hovers while hunting.



Uncommon to common migrant; absent or accidental in summer



The Minnesota Ornithologists’ Union All Seasons Species Occurrence Map



Aves (birds)


Accipitriformes (hawks, eagles, kites, and allies)


Accipitridae (hawks, eagles, and kites)


Buteoninae (buteonine hawks, kites, and allies)


Buteos (buteos)


Subordinate Taxa

American Rough-legged Hawk (Buteo lagopus sanctijohannis)

Rough-legged Buzzard (Buteo lagopus lagopus)

Kamtschatka Rough-legged Hawk (Buteo lagopus kamtschatkensis)

Siberian Rough-legged Hawk (Buteo lagopus menzbieri)













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Dan W. Andree

Rough-legged Hawk...

I seen it yesterday it had a mouse it had caught and ate it before flying off. It was out in rural Norman Co. Mn. It will be interesting to see if more migrate through the area. It was real healthy and I watched it fly off, hovering at times covering a lot of area.

  Rough-legged Hawk

Rough-legged Hawk ...Hovering....

It was pretty far away ... and just kind of hovering or kiting in place like the kestrel do at times. I believe this particular hawk has stayed all winter in this certain region but will soon head north on its long journey to breeding grounds in the Arctic. The only RLHA I seen in that particular area that seemed to remain throughout the winter. This RLHA is the only one I seen throughout a large area but expecting the hawk migration soon so possibly encounter more on their journey north. Interesting and beautiful hawks.


Rough-legged Hawk

Rough-legged Hawk   Rough-legged Hawk

Rough-legged Hawk...

This rough-legged hawk was positioning herself on the end of a large branch of a downed tree.

... a juvenile rough-legged hawk due to ... smudgy/dusky dark tips to the wing and tail feathers. Mature ones have a more defined band there.


Rough-legged Hawk...dark morph...

It stayed around the area a few days and must have moved on since I haven’t seen if since. Neat hawk.


Rough-legged Hawk...

Light Morph. I only see this species of hawk during its migration seasons. A few winter over in the area until spring then head back up north to the Arctic where they nest.

Color variations can exist depending whether male or female - light or dark morph phase. Also immature/juvenile vary in color compared to a mature RLHA. Several interesting color variations even in some mature rough-legged hawks.

  Rough-legged Hawk

I always look forward to the hawk etc. migrations whether in late fall or spring. It’s a way to see some species that are passing through that otherwise I wouldn’t have the opportunity to.

I’m glad a few winter over too.

Rough-legged Hawk   Rough-legged Hawk

Immature Light Morph Female Rough-legged Hawk....

They seem to be migrating now. The color variations in male, female, juvenile light and dark morph is really interesting. Not sure if they will stay around or just for a few days and move on. I guess time will tell.

Feel really fortunate to see a species of hawk that nests up in the Arctic.


Female Rough-legged Hawk…

later afternoon today in rural Norman Co. A really beautiful hawk.


Rough-legged Hawk....

Rough-legged Hawk   Rough-legged Hawk

It lost it’s footage slightly and opened its wings briefly to help get its balance and better footing. Really interesting and awesome hawks.

Rough-legged Hawk   Rough-legged Hawk

I cropped this one...

All these are just from 4k frame grabs. I seen the hawk a couple times they seem to favor prairie and grassy type areas with a few trees scattered here and there but like areas with a lot of prairie type terrain.

They also seem to like to perch on high line poles at times at least during migration. Late Nov. 2021

Will keep an eye out for any more passing through or possibly even spending winter in an area around Norman Co.

Perched and alert...















Rough-legged Hawk   Rough-legged Hawk
Came across an injured Rough-legged hawk...  

There is still a Rough-legged Hawk...

Hanging around the Sandpiper Prairie SNA and to the east of that area. I seen what I believe is the same one in that area in winter and it seemed to stick to that area. I believe it is a mature female.

Rough-legged Hawk   Rough-legged Hawk

Rough-legged Hawk...

It was sitting along a gravel road near some grasslands waiting to pounce on either a mouse or gopher it must have seen near a hole.


Pouncing Rough-legged hawk...

Here it is pouncing on its prey. Whatever it was it didn’t succeed at capturing it. It was late in the day and the hawk sat for a little while longer then flew off. Not the best photo but can tell it is a rough-legged hawk.


Rough-legged Hawk...light morph...

This Spring was the first time I had ever seen a Rough-legged Hawk. It wasn’t easy to photograph. My camera is not known for action shooting etc. but couldn’t help but try capture this interesting and beautiful hawk. I read that some winter in Mn. and other northern states. They may be seen from Sept. to May in some areas of Mn. but they nest in the far north arctic regions. Their is a light and dark morph. I believe this is a light morph.

Rough-legged Hawk


  Rough-legged Hawk

Rough-legged Hawk in flight...




Rough-legged Hawk...

I noticed this hawk recently on and around high line poles out in rural Norman co. Mn. and it caught my attention because of all the white on it. I wondered what kind of hawk it was so looked it up and found it to be a Rough-legged Hawk. Beautiful bird it was.

Rough-legged Hawk   Rough-legged Hawk
Rough-legged Hawk   Rough-legged Hawk

From this angle this Rough-legged Hawk reminded me of or made me think a little of an owl. Beautiful hawk it was. Would of liked to have gotten better shots of it but they show up unexpectedly and not always in the best light etc. for photography. They do not sit still long when humans are around.


Rough-legged Hawk   Rough-legged Hawk

I understand they do not nest in Mn. but will hang around during winter then head back up north into Canada, Alaska and other more Arctic like areas. I think this is a young one. Photos








Rough-legged Hawk
Allen Chartier

Rough-legged Hawk

Rough-legged Hawk
Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren

Rough-legged Hawk

Rough-legged Hawk
JMC Nature Photos

Rough-legged Hawk

Rough-legged Hawk
Craig A. Mullenbach

Rough-legged Hawk



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Dan W. Andree

"Rough legged Hawk" Norman County, Mn. Nov 5, 2020
Dec 1, 2020


Rough-legged hawks breed up in the Arctic, but will migrate and winter over in some of the lower 48 states. I haven't had a lot of encounters with this species and not sure if this one will winter over in this location or if it was just stopping over on its way elsewhere. Nice hawks.

Other Videos

Rough-Legged Hawk


Published on Mar 15, 2016

The rough-legged Hawk is a beautiful raptor that spends the winter in open areas across much of the United States. In spring, it migrates north to breed in the tundra and taiga of Alaska and Canada. Learn to identify this species in flight by watching this video narrated by Jerry Liguori from HawkWatch International. It's one of 35 HD videos and 1,000 annotated photos in the big (~1GB) new Raptor ID app available for iPhone ( and Android ( devices. Video (c) Jerry Liguori and Brian Sullivan.

Rough-legged Hawk (Accipitridae: Buteo lagopus) Hunting Behavior
Carl Barrentine


Uploaded on Dec 4, 2010

Photographed at the Kellys Slough NWR, North Dakota (04 December 2010).

Rough-legged Hawk (Accipitridae: Buteo lagopus) Dark Phase
Carl Barrentine


Uploaded on Dec 4, 2010

Photographed west of Grand Forks, North Dakota (04 December 2010).

Rough-legged Hawk /Rough-legged Buzzard ( Buteo lagopus ) HD
Stoil Ivanov


Published on Dec 31, 2012

Rough-legged Hawk ( Buteo lagopus ) Filmed at Door county Wisconsin 12-25-2012 . This is male light morph ( lightly marked type ) Also known in Europe as Rough-legged Buzzard

How to ID a Rough-legged Hawk


Uploaded on Oct 6, 2008

videotaped at Hawk Ridge in Duluth, MN

Rough-legged Hawk
jube o


Published on Oct 26, 2013

Very beautiful light morph Rough-legged Hawk.
Crex Meadows WIsconsin.
October 27, 2013



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Dan W. Andree

Location: Norman Co. Mn.

I seen it yesterday it had a mouse it had caught and ate it before flying off. It was out in rural Norman Co. Mn. It will be interesting to see if more migrate through the area. It was real healthy and I watched it fly off, hovering at times covering a lot of area.

Rough-legged Hawk
Dan W. Andree

Location: over a prairie area in Norman Co. Mn.

It was pretty far away ... and just kind of hovering or kiting in place like the kestrel do at times. I believe this particular hawk has stayed all winter in this certain region but will soon head north on its long journey to breeding grounds in the Arctic.

Rough-legged Hawk


The only RLHA I seen in that particular area that seemed to remain throughout the winter. This RLHA is the only one I seen throughout a large area but expecting the hawk migration soon so possibly encounter more on their journey north. Interesting and beautiful hawks.

Dan W. Andree

Location: rural Norman County, Mn

This rough-legged hawk was positioning herself on the end of a large branch of a downed tree.

... a juvenile rough-legged hawk due to ... smudgy/dusky dark tips to the wing and tail feathers. Mature ones have a more defined band there.

Rough-legged Hawk
Dan W. Andree
late Nov. 2021

Location: rural Norman County, Mn

It stayed around the area a few days and must have moved on since I haven’t seen if since. Neat hawk.

Rough-legged Hawk
Dan W. Andree

Location: Rural Norman Co.

They seem to be migrating now. The color variations in male, female, juvenile light and dark morph is really interesting. Not sure if they will stay around or just for a few days and move on. I guess time will tell.

Rough-legged Hawk


Feel really fortunate to see a species of hawk that nests up in the Arctic.

Dan W. Andree

Location: Rural Norman Co.

later afternoon today in rural Norman Co. A really beautiful hawk.

Rough-legged Hawk
Dan W. Andree

Location: Rural Norman Co. Mn.

Rough-legged Hawk
Dan W. Andree

Location: Norman Co., Mn.

Rough-legged Hawk

Dan W. Andree
early Spring 2021

Location: rural Norman County, Mn

Light Morph. I only see this species of hawk during its migration seasons. A few winter over in the area until spring then head back up north to the Arctic where they nest.

Rough-legged Hawk


Color variations can exist depending whether male or female - light or dark morph phase. Also immature/juvenile vary in color compared to a mature RLHA. Several interesting color variations even in some mature rough-legged hawks. I always look forward to the hawk etc. migrations whether in late fall or spring. It’s a way to see some species that are passing through that otherwise I wouldn’t have the opportunity to.

I’m glad a few winter over too.

Dan W. Andree

Location: Norman Co., Mn.

There is still a Rough-legged Hawk... Hanging around the Sandpiper Prairie SNA and to the east of that area. I seen what I believe is the same one in that area in winter and it seemed to stick to that area. I believe it is a mature female.

Rough-legged Hawk

Dan W. Andree

Location: Norman Co. Mn.

It was sitting along a gravel road near some grasslands waiting to pounce on either a mouse or gopher it must have seen near a hole.

Rough-legged Hawk

Dan W. Andree
Spring 2018

Location: Norman Co. Mn.

In flight over a grassy area

Rough-legged Hawk

Dan W. Andree

Location: rural Norman Co. Mn.

I noticed this hawk recently on and around high line poles out in rural Norman co. Mn. and it caught my attention because of all the white on it. I wondered what kind of hawk it was so looked it up and found it to be a Rough-legged Hawk. Beautiful bird it was.

Rough-legged Hawk Sightings







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