Ruby Bolete

(Hortiboletus rubellus)

Conservation Status
Ruby Bolete
Photo by Holly Stanger
  IUCN Red List

not listed


NNR - Unranked


not listed


Ruby Bolete is a small, red capped, blue staining mushroom. It occurs in Europe, in the United States east of the Great Plains and west of the Rocky Mountains, in southern Quebec and Ontario Canada, and in Mexico. It reaches the western extent of one part of its range in eastern Minnesota. It is found in summer and fall in deciduous woodlands, at woodland edges, in parks, and in gardens. It grows on the ground, alone, scattered, or in groups (gregarious) but not clustered. It has a mutually beneficial relationship (mycorrhizal) with the tiny rootlets of oaks and other hardwood trees, absorbing sugars and amino acids while helping the tree absorb water.

The cap is 1 to 2 (2.5 to 6.0 cm) in diameter. It is convex at first and bright but dark pinkish-red. This is the feature that gives the mushroom its common name. It often has a thin yellow or whitish band around the margin. The upper surface is dry and is covered with minute velvety hairs. As it ages it becomes broadly convex to almost flat and hairless, and the color becomes dark, dirty, pinkish-red or pinkish. On mature specimens the upper surface is finely cracked.

The stalk is firm, solid, 1316 to 2¾ (3 to 7 cm) long, longer than the cap is wide, and to (4 to 10 mm) thick. It is tapered at the base and sometimes flared at the top. The surface is not covered with a network of fine ridges (reticulate). When young the stalk is pinkish to red for most of its length, yellow just near the top, and the surface usually has numerous fine red dots (punctate). It darkens as it ages.

The pore surface is yellow when young, becoming dull olive-yellow as it ages. It quickly stains dark blue when bruised. There are 1 to 3 pores per millimeter. The pore tubes are up to ¼ (7 mm) deep.

The flesh in the cap is whitish. It slowly stains slightly blue when sliced. It is edible but it has a soapy taste, and like other boletes, it is often infested with maggots. The flesh of the stalk is mostly yellow, pale yellow just at the top. It has numerous, tiny, bright red or carrot orange dots near the base. This may require a hand lens to see and is visible only on young specimens. On older specimens the flesh at the base deteriorates and discolors.

The spore print is olive-brown.


Similar Species

Habitat and Hosts

Deciduous woodlands, woodland edges, parks, and gardens

Oaks and other hardwoods




Summer and fall


Distribution Map



4, 7, 24, 26, 29, 30, 77.





  Kingdom Fungi (fungi)  
  Subkingdom Dikarya  
  Phylum Basidiomycota (club fungi)  
  Subphylum Agaricomycotina (jelly fungi, yeasts, and mushrooms)  
  Class Agaricomycetes (mushrooms, bracket fungi, puffballs, and allies)  
  Subclass Agaricomycetidae  
  Order Boletales (boletes and allies)  
  Suborder Boletineae  


Boletaceae (boletes)  





Boletus rubellus

Boletus versicolor

Suillus rubellus

Tubiporus rubellus

Xerocomellus rubellus

Xerocomus rubellus


Common Names


Ruby Bolete












A symbiotic, usually beneficial relationship between a fungus and the tiny rootlets of a plant, usually a tree.





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Andrea Zimmerman

    Ruby Bolete   Ruby Bolete  
    Ruby Bolete      

Holly Stanger


found by our chicken coop

    Ruby Bolete      








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Other Videos
  Hortiboletus rubellus (Ruby Bolete) 4k
The wonderful world of mycology

Aug 2, 2020

Hortiboletus rubellus

By Manu Merino

Today I present an incredible species. It is now called Hortiboletus rubellus but it is also known as Xerocomus Rubellus. I have found the specimens of this video, in the best moment of their life, that's why those garnet colors are so impressive.

I also share a bit of the nature of the environment, such as the most popular and beautiful European butterfly, the Papilio machaon and two plants, the Sedum album and the stachys officinalis.

And if you liked the Santa Catalina lighthouse - Lekeitio, last week, I can assure you, that the sunset from this place is the most spectacular in the entire Basque Country.

Hortiboletus rubellus (Krombh.) Simonini, Vizzini & Gelardi - (2015)

-Cap: Medium in size, between 4 and 10 in diameter, in our case between 4 and 7 cm. When young it is hemispherical and then convex extended. The margin is surplus and wavy, especially in youth. The dry cuticle cannot be separated from the meat and has a velvety appearance of a spectacular garnet red color. With heat it tends to cut very finely.
-Tubes and pores: the tubes have a yellowish color in youth, like the pores, with friction or pressure they are paved slowly. The pores are wide and angular, reaching 1- 1.5 mm.
- Stem: cylindrical, thinned at the base, the upper part is lemon yellow, and the rest is covered by red fibrils.
Flesh: Very light yellow, just below the cuticle it becomes a little red and at the base of the foot it is orange, when it cuts a little blue, it looks very good in the video. Of soft consistency in the hat and fibrous on the foot. Its flavor is sweet and fruity and very frequently worm-like.
-Edibility: it is of low culinary quality.
-Habitat: in our case in American oak (Quercus rubra),
- Season: mainly in summer and autumn in our case in July
-Place: Lekeitio - Bizkaia, Basque Country

Confusions: It is not easy to identify this species, therefore it can be confused with Xerocomellus chrysenteron less reddish, with Rheubarbariboletus armeniacus in apricot color

Music: Back_To_Vik and Dream_Lagoon from the You tube

Thanks to Enrique Expuru for identifying plants

I hope you liked the video of this species, and for that I thank you for the visit and the support of the channel.

Regards and until next time

  Ruby Red Bolete (Hortiboletus rubellus) / Boletus Mushroom
Walt Reven Jr

Sep 30, 2021

Found these beautiful red ruby bolete | Boletus mushrooms while mushroom hunting in the ozarks, the species name on these are Hortiboletus rubellus, commonly known as the ruby bolete. They are not poisonous and are said to taste soapy.

Please Note, Do Not consume any wild mushrooms unless you know what you are harvesting! Some can be deadly or poisonous!!

I now offer anyone who is interested in supporting my channel the chance to do so. All funds go to gear purchases for new reviews etc. I sincerely thank each and every one of you who continue your long term support on my channel! Thank you

  Hortiboletus rubellus (Моховик красный), July 1, 2021
Грибы БАК - Mushrooms of the LHC

Jul 7, 2021

Моховик красный, 1 июля 2021 года

  Crveni baršunovac - Hortiboletus rubellus
Nikola Lačković

Nikola Lačković




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  Andrea Zimmerman

Location: Klickitat St, Big Lake, MN 55309

Ruby Bolete

  Holly Stanger

Location: Freeborn County

found by our chicken coop

Ruby Bolete







Created: 8/30/2022

Last Updated:

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