Franklin’s ground squirrel

(Poliocitellus franklinii)

Conservation Status

IUCN Red List

LC - Least Concern


N5 - Secure

SNR - Unranked


not listed

Species in Greatest Conservation Need

Franklin’s ground squirrel
Photo by Lynn Rubey

Franklin’s ground squirrel is a medium-sized squirrel but a large ground squirrel. It is the largest and darkest ground squirrel in its range. It occurs in the tallgrass prairie region in the United States from North Dakota and Minnesota in the north to Kansas and Indiana in the south, and in Canada from central Alberta to southern Manitoba. It is considered scarce in Minnesota. It is found in and around tallgrass prairies in areas with tall vegetation including edges of fields and prairies, open woodlands, and edges of marshes.

Franklin’s ground squirrel is superficially similar in appearance to an eastern gray squirrel but it is smaller and has a shorter, less bushy tail, shorter ears, and a more pointed snout. The body is slender, elongated, and 14 to 16 in total length, including a 4 to 6 tail. Males are heavier than females. The coat (pelage) is short and dark gray with pale and dark flecks. There is a brownish wash over the back and rump. The underside may be yellowish-white, gray, or brownish-gray. The ears are short and egg-shaped. The female has 10 to 12 mammae. The skull has 22 teeth.



Total length: 14 to 16

Head and body: 9 to 10

Tail: 4 to 6





Similar Species


Areas with tall vegetation; edges of fields and prairies, open woodlands, edges of marshes



Franklin’s ground squirrel spends most of its time in an underground burrow that can be up to 8 feet deep. It is tolerant of humans and can be seen at camp sights, in state parks, and at dumps. It does not stand upright when alarmed.



7.2 years (in captivity)


Life Cycle

Males hibernate from August to late March or April. Females enter hibernation later and emerge later in the spring.



Omnivorous. Plant leaves, stems, seeds, and fruit; ground nesting bird eggs; insects; and small animals, including other ground squirrels.


Distribution Map



4, 24, 29, 30, 76.






Mammalia (mammals)




Eutheria (placental mammals)


Euarchontoglires (primates, rodents, and allies)


Glires (rodents and rabbits)


Rodentiia (rodents)


Sciuromorpha (squirrels, dormice, and mountain beavers)


Sciuridae (squirrels)


Xerinae (ground and African tree squirrels)


Marmotini (holarctic ground squirrels)




Franklin’s ground squirrel is the only species in the genus Poliocitellus.


Subordinate Taxa




Citellus franklinii

Spermophilus franklinii


Common Names

Franklin’s ground squirrel

gray gopher









The coat of a mammal, consisting of fur, wool, or hair, and including a soft undercoat and stiff guard hairs.

Visitor Photos

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Jamie Juenemann

Franklin’s ground squirrel  

Franklin’s ground squirrel

It has been feeding in our backyard for about three weeks now. Drives our dog crazy as it stays just out of reach!


Franklin’s ground squirrel  

Franklin’s ground squirrel

First appeared 8-2-23 counted 8 eating with birds and chipmunks.

Lane Keller

Franklin’s ground squirrel  

Franklin’s ground squirrel

From mid-April to beginning of October you often find this type rodent running around in the state park for scraps of food to store for winter. One of few places in Minnesota I recall finding the Franklin’s Ground Squirrel often.

Becky Utecht

Franklin’s ground squirrel    

Lisa Olson-McDonald

Franklin’s ground squirrel  

Franklin’s ground squirrel

Very tame ground squirrel near the entrance of the Rustic Cabin Shop.

Lynn Rubey

A Franklin's Ground Squirrel in The Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge between Pool 7 and the West Pool. This one seemed very curious about us but also a bit wary.

  Franklin’s ground squirrel
Franklin’s ground squirrel   Franklin’s ground squirrel
Franklin’s ground squirrel    

A Franklin's Ground Squirrel foraging for leaves in The Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge before disappearing in the under brush along side the auto tour road. Franklin's ground squirrel (Poliocitellus franklinii) is a species of squirrel native to North America, and the only member of the genus Poliocitellus. Due to the destruction of prairie, the populations of Franklin's ground squirrel have dwindled, approaching levels of concern.

  Franklin’s ground squirrel
Franklin’s ground squirrel   Franklin’s ground squirrel Photos











Visitor Videos

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Other Videos

Franklin's Ground Squirrel (Sciuridae: Poliocitellus/Spermophilus franklinii) Showing Caution
Carl Barrentine


Published on Aug 19, 2010

Photographed at the Kellys Slough NWR, North Dakota (19 August 2010). Go here to learn more about this species: http://kufs.ku.edulibres/mammals_of_kansas/sperm-frank.html



Visitor Sightings

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Stephen Phillips

Location: Two Harbors, MN, Under my firepit deck, where it’s cooler (12x12,  isolated from heat by several inches of concrete), adjacent to multiple avian feeding stations 

Several entrances have been created, with adjacent lush vegetation: He joins the rabbits, squirrels, skunks, (avoids the fox and the occasional feral cat) to enjoy a banquet of sliced apples and mini-carrots in the evenings… and during the day happily accompanies the flocks of pigeons, grackles, European starlings, BlueJays, Grosbeaks, Orioles, Gold Finches, Wood Ducks and other assorted species that feast several time a day in the yard… costs more than I spend on myself and my many rescued companion animals!

Jamie Juenemann

Location: Two Harbors

It has been feeding in our backyard for about three weeks now. Drives our dog crazy as it stays just out of reach!

Franklin’s ground squirrel
Macy Joa

Location: Near Cromwell

We saw one watching us for about a half hour as we worked on chipping tree branches near our outhouse. He/ she was curious but cautious.


Location: Pine County, Sandstone MN

First appeared 8-2-23 counted 8 eating with birds and chipmunks.

Franklin’s ground squirrel


Location: Hill City MN

There are about a dozen of them living in my dads yard.

Ruth M King

Location: Gooseberry Falls State Park

Six of these guys were begging food underneath and around a picnic table near the shelter near the river mouth and Lake.

Fred T

Location: Larsmont, MN

Three animals sited on lake side of Hwy 61

Eli Jutz

Location: New Prague


Location: South Birch Lake near Babbitt.

Patricia Kuper

Location: Remer Mn

He lives under my wife and I shed.

Liz Auchter

Location: Hwy 35 near Wrenchall (Carleton County) at a rest stop heading north.

Several spotted surrounding bathrooms. Very friendly and confident around people. 

Birgitta Anderson

Location: Split Rock Lighthouse State Park

near the backpacking campsites.

Lane Keller

Location: Lake Bemidji State Park

From mid-April to beginning of October you often find this type rodent running around in the state park for scraps of food to store for winter. One of few places in Minnesota I recall finding the Franklin’s Ground Squirrel often.

Franklin’s ground squirrel

Becky Utecht

Location: Gooseberry Falls State Park Campground

Franklin’s ground squirrel



Location: On the lawn in front of the Rustic Cabin Shop (8 miles south or Orr, Hwy 53)

Very tame, was grazing near the front door of the store.

Franklin’s ground squirrel

Lynn Rubey

Location: Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge

A Franklin's Ground Squirrel in The Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge between Pool 7 and the West Pool. This one seemed very curious about us but also a bit wary.

Franklin’s ground squirrel

Lynn Rubey

Location: Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge

A Franklin's Ground Squirrel foraging for leaves in The Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge before disappearing in the under brush along side the auto tour road. Franklin's ground squirrel (Poliocitellus franklinii) is a species of squirrel native to North America, and the only member of the genus Poliocitellus. Due to the destruction of prairie, the populations of Franklin's ground squirrel have dwindled, approaching levels of concern.

Franklin’s ground squirrel Sightings






Created: Created: 6/27/2019

Last Updated:

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