(Euptoieta claudia)
Conservation • Description • Habitat • Biology • Distribution • Taxonomy
Conservation Status |
IUCN Red List | not listed |
NatureServe | N5 - Secure SNRB - Unranked Breeding |
Minnesota | not listed |
Description |
Variegated fritillary is a medium-sized, migratory, fritillary butterfly. The wingspan is 1¾″ to 2½″. Females can be much larger than males. The upper side of both wings are orange with dark brown bands and spots. On the outer margin there is a band (marginal band) of orange spots that have dark borders and are separated by heavy, dark veins. All of the spots are pale and distinct, even at the wing tip. There is an orange submarginal band with dark, round spots, and a pale orange median band with no spots. The veins in the submarginal band, median band, and base are dark and thin. The base of the forewing is reddish-orange. The outer edge has a thick, black border. There is a pale orange spot near the center with a thick, black border. There are two black chevrons closer to the body. The base of the hindwing is reddish-orange with some thin black markings. The underside of the hindwing is brown with thin, white veins; a wide, pale, postmedian band; a pale marginal band; and no conspicuous pale spots. The underside of the forewing is pale orange with a reddish orange base, black markings, and a pale orange spot rimmed in black in the forewing cell. The caterpillar is orangish-red, shiny, and up to 2″ long. Each abdominal segment has a white, footprint-shaped spot at the middle of the upper (dorsal) surface. On each side of each segment there is a dorsal row, subdorsal row, and spiracular row of black with white spots. Each of these rows has a single, branched, spike-like projection (scolus). There are two longer scoli on the prothorax that project well forward of the head. The scoli are black with an iridescent, purplish-blue reflection. |
Size |
1¾″ to 2½″ wingspan |
Similar Species |
Habitat |
Open fields, meadows, roadsides |
Biology |
Season |
Two or three broods; mid-June to mid-September |
Behavior |
Life Cycle |
Adults migrate from the south, first appearing in Minnesota around mid-June. The female lays pale green or cream colored eggs singly on the leaves and stems of host plants. The larvae eat the leaves, stems, and flowers of host plants. There are usually two broods per year, sometimes three. Adults migrate south in the fall. They overwinter as caterpillars and possibly also as adults in frost-free areas. |
Larva Hosts |
Violet (Viola spp.), flax (Linum spp.), plantain (Plantago spp.), Canada moonseed, and May-apple. |
Adult Food |
Nectar of dogbane (Apocynum spp.), milkweed (Asclepias spp.), aster (Symphyotrichum spp.), beggarticks (Bidens spp.), thistle (Cirsium spp.), narrow-leaved purple coneflower, fleabane (Erigeron spp.), boneset (Eupatorium spp.), alfalfa, red clover, ironweed (Vernonia spp.), Joe Pye weed (Eutrochium spp.), purple loosestrife, and bog Labrador tea. |
Distribution |
Sources |
7/26/2022 | ||||
Occurrence |
Taxonomy |
Order |
Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) | ||
Superfamily |
Papilionoidea (butterflies) | ||
Family |
Nymphalidae (brush-footed butterflies) | ||
Subfamily |
Heliconiinae (fritillaries and longwings) | ||
Tribe |
Argynnini (fritillaries) | ||
Subtribe | Euptoietina | ||
Genus |
Euptoieta | ||
Synonyms |
Common Names |
variegated fritillary |
The first (forward) segment of the thorax on an insect, bearing the first pair of legs but not wings.
A spiny, branched projection from a larval body wall, the branches terminating with a single stiff, hair-like or bristle-like tip.
A small opening on the surface of an insect or arachnid through which it breathes.
Visitor Photos |
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Dan W. Andree |
Variegated Fritillary... A small butterfly though it looks large in the photo. Maybe 2.5 - 3 inch wing span at most. |
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Seen and photographed a male in pursuit of a female Variegated. Not the best photo only got a couple shots at them. It was quite windy out that day. They can real flit around and sometimes spook easily. Interesting butterfly and some were slightly larger than others in size. Also the color patterns were neat and varied in color tones. Some looked almost painted with rich colors and detailing and some were paler and had scruffy wing areas. But then they have to deal with prairie winds etc. and they can get whipped around etc. |
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Dave Jungst |
At Glacial Lakes State Park |
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MinnesotaSeasons.com Photos |
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Visitor Videos |
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Cheryl TeHennepe |
variegated fritillary 01 Jul 26, 2022 |
variegated fritillary (Euptoieta claudia) |
Other Videos |
IMG_0745.MOV Walter Sanford |
Uploaded on Nov 12, 2011 A short video clip of a Variegated Fritillary (Euptoieta claudia) |
Variegated fritillary caterpillar Bug of the Week |
Published on Jun 8, 2012 This "hungry, hungry caterpillar," the larval stage of the Variegated Fritillary butterfly, makes quick work of a delicious flower blossom. |
Courting Variegated Fritillaries Dragonfly Woman |
Published on Aug 23, 2013 A male variegated fritillary tries to get it on with a female! |
Variegated Fritillary Butterfly Eclosing 1080p macro timvid |
Uploaded on Jun 20, 2011 http://www.WildlifeTheater.com |
Variegated fritillary caterpillar eating a passion vine leaf ba5sman |
Uploaded on Jul 2, 2009 Variegated fritillary caterpillar eating a passion vine leaf |
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