About • Location • Activities • Ecology
About |
Ownership |
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Overview |
History |
Management |
Comments |
Location |
Size |
Northwest Unit: 606 acres Southeast Unit: 69 acres |
Driving Directions |
Parking |
Northwest Unit Northwest Unit Southeast Unit |
Maps |
Printable Map(s) with GPS coordinates |
Activities |
Hiking Horseback riding Birding Nature photography Cross country skiing Snowshoeing Snowmobiling |
Trails |
A hiking trail follows the northern boundary of the SNA. Another trail follows about half of the southern boundary. The North Orock Trail, a horse/hiking trail, passes through the SNA and connects the SNA boundary trails. All of the trails are former forest roads. |
Hunting and Fishing |
All hunting. See Hunting and Trapping Regulations (MN DNR) for details. |
Ecology |
Ecological Classification |
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Ecological Province | ![]() |
Eastern Broadleaf Forest Province |
Ecological Section | ![]() |
Minnesota & NE Iowa Morainal |
Ecological Subsection | ![]() |
Anoka Sand Plain |
Land Type Association | Anoka Lake Plain |
Native Plant Communities* |
Alder - (Maple - Loosestrife) Swamp Dry Barrens Oak Savanna (Southern): Oak Subtype Northern Rich Fen (Basin) Sedge Meadow Southern Dry-Mesic Oak (Maple) Woodland Tamarack Swamp (Southern) |
* Source: The Minnesota Biological Survey, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Ecological Resources | |||||
Natural Features |
Long pants recommended
This site is memorable for, among other things, an overabundance of poison ivy. Long pants are strongly recommended, even for the trails.
Mosquito headnet recommended
Deer flies can be bothersome here in June and July. Bring a mosquito headnet and do not leave it in the car. At some point you will want to use it.
Visitor Photos |
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Kirk Nelson |
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Upturned Tree Roots |
Jensen Slough |
MinnesotaSeasons.com Photos |
Slideshows |
Uncas Dunes SNA |
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Sherburne County, Minnesota |
Uncas Dunes SNA |
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Visitor Videos |
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Other Videos |
Uncas Sand Dunes SNA August 29, 2020 |
Aug 29, 2020 Today's adventure was back to Uncas Sand Dunes, a Minnesota Scientific and Natural Area. You may need to turn your volume up to hear the birds! Uncas Sand Dunes is an amazing place. It's far enough out of the city that there isn't a ton of city noise...although there were airplanes that flew over. The area has some hiking trails and a beach, but the inner road is a bit rugged. it doesn't really have potholes, but it has big ruts and angles where the road sort of falls off. |
Uncas Dunes RX burn windows |
Jun 4, 2015 |
Visitor Sightings |
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Crystal Boyd |
Birds |
common nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) [nesting?] |
Fungi and Lichens |
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Insects and Arachnids |
Bee flies (Bombylidae) [on puccoon] common eastern bumblebee (Bombus impatiens--queen) green june bug (Cotinis nitida) mournful thyris (Thyris sepulchris) mourning cloak butterfly (Nymphalis antiopa) multicolored Asian ladybeetle (Harmonia axyridis) Neighbor moth (Haploa contigua) northern green-striped grasshopper (Chortophaga viridifasciata) predatory stink bug (Podisus modestus) |
Mammals |
Plants in Bloom |
Amur maple (Acer ginnala) birds-foot violet (Viola pedata) chickweed (Stellaria sp.) columbine (Aquilegia canadensis) common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) false lily-of-the-valley (Mianthemum canadense) orange honeysuckle (Lonicera cilosa) poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) prairie buttercup (Ranunculus rhomboideus) puccoon (Lithospermum sp.) wild strawberry (Fragaria sp.) |
Jordan Wilson |
Plants |
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MinnesotaSeasons.com Sightings |
Visits |
6/19/2005 7/21/2011 |
Amphibians |
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Fungi and Lichens |
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Insects and Arachnids |
American dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis) autumn meadowhawk (Sympetrum vicinum) band-winged meadowhawk (Sympetrum semicinctum) belted whiteface (Leucorrhinia proxima) black swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes) Carolina grasshopper (Dissosteira carolina) common green darner (Anax junius) common whitetail (Plathemis lydia) common wood nymph (Cercyonis pegala) deer fly (Chrysops sp.) dog day cicada (Neotibicen canicularis) dot-tailed whiteface (Leucorrhinia intacta) eastern tent caterpillar moth (Malacosoma americana) frosted whiteface (Leucorrhinia frigida) great spangled fritillary (Argynnis cybele) Halloween pennant (Celithemis eponina) mustached clubtail (Hylogomphus adelphus) northern pearly eye (Lethe anthedon) twelve-spotted skimmer (Libellula pulchella) white admiral (Limenitis arthemis arthemis) |
Mammals |
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Plants |
Minnesota Biodiversity Atlas and Minnesota Biological Survey Vegetation Releves Plant List |
Plants frequently found in: Alder - (Maple - Loosestrife) Swamp FPn73a Dry Barrens Oak Savanna (Southern): Oak Subtype UPs14a2 Northern Rich Fen (Basin) OPn92 |
American basswood (Tilia americana var. americana) American elm (Ulmus americana) American hazelnut (Corylus americana) American hog peanut (Amphicarpaea bracteata var. bracteata) American lopseed (Phryma leptostachya) American red raspberry (Rubus idaeus ssp. strigosus) American stinging nettle (Urtica gracilis ssp. gracilis) American white waterlily (Nymphaea odorata) asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) balsam fir (Abies balsamea var. balsamea) bittersweet nightshade (Solanum dulcamara) black bindweed (Fallopia convolvulus) black medick (Medicago lupulina) black oak (Quercus velutina) black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis) black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta var. pulcherrima) black-seeded plantain (Plantago rugelii var. rugelii) bland sweet cicely (Osmorhiza claytonii) bouncing bet (Saponaria officinalis) boxelder (Acer negundo var. negundo) broadleaf enchanter’s nightshade (Circaea canadensis) bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa var. macrocarpa) butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa ssp. interior) butter and eggs (Linaria vulgaris) Canada mayflower (Maianthemum canadense) Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) Canada wildrye (Elymus canadensis) Canadian horseweed (Erigeron canadensis) chokecherry (Prunus virginiana var. virginiana) clammy groundcherry (Physalis heterophylla) Cleland’s evening primrose (Oenothera clelandii) common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) common cinquefoil (Potentilla simplex) common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale ssp. officinale) common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) common mullein (Verbascum thapsus ssp. thapsus) common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) common yarrow (Achillea millefolium) curlytop knotweed (Persicaria lapathifolia) downy phlox (Phlox pilosa ssp. fulgida) eastern redcedar (Juniperus virginiana var. virginiana) eastern white pine (Pinus strobus) field horsetail (Equisetum arvense) garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) giant chickweed (Myosoton aquaticum) giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida) glossy buckthorn (Frangula alnus) gray dogwood (Cornus racemosa) green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) green carpetweed (Mollugo verticillata) green foxtail (Setaria viridis var. viridis) ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea) hairy hedge nettle (Stachys pilosa var. pilosa) hairy puccoon (Lithospermum caroliniense var. croceum) hairy vetch (Vicia villosa ssp. villosa) hoary alyssum (Berteroa incana) June grass (Koeleria macrantha) large-flowered beardtongue (Penstemon grandiflorus) long-spine sandbur (Cenchrus longispinus) narrow-leaved cattail (Typha angustifolia) narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard (Crepis tectorum) narrow-leaved meadowsweet (Spiraea alba var. alba) northern lady fern (Athyrium filix-femina var. angustum) northern pin oak (Quercus ellipsoidalis) northern prickly ash (Zanthoxylum americanum) northern red oak (Quercus rubra) northern starflower (Lysimachia borealis) orange daylily (Hemerocallis fulva) plains snake-cotton (Froelichia floridana var. campestris) pointed-leaved tick-trefoil (Hylodesmum glutinosum) prairie coreopsis (Coreopsis palmata) prairie dropseed (Sporobolus heterolepis) prairie fleabane (Erigeron strigosus) prairie lettuce (Lactuca ludoviciana) prairie peppergrass (Lepidium densiflorum) prairie spiderwort (Tradescantia occidentalis var. occidentalis) prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola) purple lovegrass (Eragrostis spectabilis) quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) rabbit’s foot clover (Trifolium arvense) red clover (Trifolium pratense) red maple (Acer rubrum var. rubrum) rose twisted-stalk (Streptopus lanceolatus var. longipipes) rough blazing star (Liatris aspera) rough cinquefoil (Potentilla norvegica) rough false pennyroyal (Hedeoma hispida) round-headed bush clover (Lespedeza capitata) showy goldenrod species complex (Solidago speciosa complex) silver maple (Acer saccharinum) silvery cinquefoil (Potentilla argentea) slender beardtongue (Penstemon gracilis var. gracilis) spotted lady’s thumb (Persicaria maculosa) starry false Solomon’s seal (Maianthemum stellatum) stiff sunflower (Helianthus pauciflorus ssp. subrhomboideus) swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata ssp. incarnata) tall buttercup (Ranunculus acris var. acris) tall thimbleweed (Anemone virginiana) timothy (Phleum pratense ssp. pratense) variegated yellow pond lily (Nuphar variegata) Virginia stickseed (Hackelia virginiana) Virginia waterleaf (Hydrophyllum virginianum var. virginianum) western bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum) western poison ivy (Toxicodendron rydbergii) western ragweed (Ambrosia psilostachya) white campion (Silene latifolia ssp. alba) white clover (Trifolium repens ssp. repens) white sage (Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. ludoviciana) white sweet clover (Melilotus albus) white-flowered leafcup (Polymnia canadensis) wild bergamot (Monarda fistulosa) wild geranium (Geranium maculatum) wild strawberry (Fragaria virginiana) woodbine (Parthenocissus vitacea) woodland horsetail (Equisetum sylvaticum) yellow foxtail (Setaria pumila ssp. pumila)
Abies balsamea var. balsamea (balsam fir) Acer negundo var. negundo (boxelder) Acer rubrum var. rubrum (red maple) Acer saccharinum (silver maple) Achillea millefolium (common yarrow) Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard) Ambrosia artemisiifolia (common ragweed) Ambrosia psilostachya (western ragweed) Ambrosia trifida (giant ragweed) Amphicarpaea bracteata var. bracteata (hog peanut) Anemone virginiana (tall thimbleweed) Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. ludoviciana (white sage) Asclepias incarnata ssp. incarnata (swamp milkweed) Asclepias syriaca (common milkweed) Asclepias tuberosa ssp. interior (butterfly weed) Asparagus officinalis (asparagus) Athyrium filix-femina var. angustum (northern lady fern) Berteroa incana (hoary alyssum) Cenchrus longispinus (long-spine sandbur) Circaea canadensis (broadleaf enchanter’s nightshade) Cirsium arvense (Canada thistle) Coreopsis palmata (prairie coreopsis) Cornus racemosa (gray dogwood) Corylus americana (American hazelnut) Crepis tectorum (narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard) Elymus canadensis (Canada wildrye) Equisetum arvense (field horsetail) Equisetum sylvaticum (woodland horsetail) Eragrostis spectabilis (purple lovegrass) Erigeron canadensis (Canadian horseweed) Erigeron strigosus (prairie fleabane) Fallopia convolvulus (black bindweed) Fragaria virginiana (wild strawberry) Frangula alnus (glossy buckthorn) Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) Froelichia floridana var. campestris (plains snake-cotton) Geranium maculatum (wild geranium) Glechoma hederacea (ground ivy) Hackelia virginiana (Virginia stickseed) Hedeoma hispida (rough false pennyroyal) Helianthus pauciflorus ssp. subrhomboideus (stiff sunflower) Hemerocallis fulva (orange daylily) Hydrophyllum virginianum var. virginianum (Virginia waterleaf) Hylodesmum glutinosum (pointed-leaved tick-trefoil) Juniperus virginiana var. virginiana (eastern redcedar) Koeleria macrantha (June grass) Lactuca ludoviciana (prairie lettuce) Lactuca serriola (prickly lettuce) Lepidium densiflorum (prairie peppergrass) Lespedeza capitata (round-headed bush clover) Liatris aspera (rough blazing star) Linaria vulgaris (butter and eggs) Lithospermum caroliniense var. croceum (hairy puccoon) Lysimachia borealis (northern starflower) Maianthemum canadense (Canada mayflower) Maianthemum stellatum (starry false Solomon’s seal) Medicago lupulina (black medick) Melilotus albus (white sweet clover) Mollugo verticillata (green carpetweed) Monarda fistulosa (wild bergamot) Myosoton aquaticum (giant chickweed) Nuphar variegata (variegated yellow pond lily) Nymphaea odorata (American white waterlily) Oenothera clelandii (Cleland’s evening primrose) Osmorhiza claytonii (bland sweet cicely) Oxalis stricta (yellow wood sorrel) Parthenocissus vitacea (woodbine) Penstemon gracilis var. gracilis (slender beardtongue) Penstemon grandiflorus (large-flowered beardtongue) Persicaria lapathifolia (curlytop knotweed) Persicaria maculosa (spotted lady’s thumb) Phleum pratense ssp. pratense (timothy) Phlox pilosa ssp. fulgida (downy phlox) Phryma leptostachya (American lopseed) Physalis heterophylla (clammy groundcherry) Pinus strobus (eastern white pine) Plantago rugelii var. rugelii (black-seeded plantain) Polymnia canadensis (white-flowered leafcup) Populus tremuloides (quaking aspen) Potentilla argentea (silvery cinquefoil) Potentilla norvegica (rough cinquefoil) Potentilla simplex (common cinquefoil) Prunus virginiana var. virginiana (chokecherry) Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum (western bracken fern) Quercus ellipsoidalis (northern pin oak) Quercus macrocarpa var. macrocarpa (bur oak) Quercus rubra (northern red oak) Quercus velutina (black oak) Ranunculus acris var. acris (tall buttercup) Rhamnus cathartica (common buckthorn) Rubus idaeus ssp. strigosus (American red raspberry) Rubus occidentalis (black raspberry) Rudbeckia hirta var. pulcherrima (black-eyed Susan) Saponaria officinalis (bouncing bet) Setaria pumila ssp. pumila (yellow foxtail) Setaria viridis var. viridis (green foxtail) Silene latifolia ssp. alba (white campion) Solanum dulcamara (bittersweet nightshade) Solidago speciosa complex (showy goldenrod species complex) Spiraea alba var. alba (narrow-leaved meadowsweet) Sporobolus heterolepis (prairie dropseed) Stachys pilosa var. pilosa (hairy hedge nettle) Streptopus lanceolatus var. longipipes (rose twisted-stalk) Taraxacum officinale ssp. officinale (common dandelion) Tilia americana var. americana (American basswood) Toxicodendron rydbergii (western poison ivy) Tradescantia occidentalis var. occidentalis (prairie spiderwort) Tragopogon dubius (yellow goat’s beard) Trifolium arvense (rabbit’s foot clover) Trifolium pratense (red clover) Trifolium repens ssp. repens (white clover) Typha angustifolia (narrow-leaved cattail) Ulmus americana (American elm) Urtica gracilis ssp. gracilis (American stinging nettle) Verbascum thapsus ssp. thapsus (common mullein) |
Reptiles |
Sandhill Cranes
Sandhill Cranes nest on this site.
Uncas skippers
Uncas Dunes SNA is one of only two sites in Minnesota where the Uncas skipper can be found.
Created: Last Updated: © MinnesotaSeasons.com. All rights reserved. |